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Breaking the mould: new models for teaching whole class music in Wiltshire

WCET Wiltshire music education hub

One of the main elements of the National Plan for Music Education is for Music Education Hubs to ensure all children and young people learn a musical instrument through whole class teaching. A tall order perhaps, when primaries are facing continued budget cuts, a decline in specialist music teachers, and in some cases, greater responsibility…

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What hubs are for – guest blog from Bristol

Siggy Patchitt, Education Manager, Bristol Plays Music, gave an impassioned speech to those who attended a Music Education Council music education seminar in Bristol this month, including representatives from Make Music Gloucestershire.  He posted the full speech last week on the Youth Music Network – here’s an edited version written as a guest blog , with…

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Music hubs: why should schools care?

It’s a year since the government published its long-awaited National Plan for Music Education, and the first manifestation of this, the new music education hubs in England, have been operating for around three months now. It’s early days of course, but some teachers and heads remain uncertain about what they’re all about, how they can…

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Worth the wait? The National Plan for Music Education in England

Following is my summary of the NPME, written for Music Education UK magazine and website. The full piece includes comments from practitioners and authorities on music education, including school teacher Jackie Schneider, education consultant David Price, music/culture/education campaigner Marc Jaffrey and representatives from Youth Music, Sound Sense, and many other organisations working in music with young…

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Seven tips for advocating what music means to your school

If you’re a music teacher, trying to keep up with all the changes in education is one thing.  Making sure what’s going on in your music lessons and activities is noticed and valued is probably one of those ‘to dos’ at the bottom of an ever-increasing list. There are lots of rumblings about the need…

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