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Woman with short brown hair smiling, plus description of who she is - Rachael Perrin, Soundcastle

PODCAST [30] Community music, coaching and wellbeing – with Rachael Perrin, of Soundcastle

In this episode, I talk with  Rachael Perrin, a co-founder of community music organisation, Soundcastle, which runs projects in the south of England, coaches and trains music practitioners across the UK, and has an online community to support them.

You can listen now below, or on Spotify (search for the name) and iTunes or your favourite podcast app.

What’s in this episode?

We talk about:

  • bringing together the music and social care worlds and wanting to find ‘other uses for music’
  • Soundcastle’s Musical Beacons work with families and People’s Music Collectives work with adults on a journey of mental health recovery
  • the crossovers between coaching, mentoring and community music
  • the importance of creative autonomy
  • and wellbeing, the thread that runs through everything from projects to collective decision-making

Links for this episode

Soundcastle website

Guildhall School of Music and Drama

About the music for education & wellbeing podcast

Listen in each month to get ideas, inspiration and practical advice from people involved in music education, community music, music therapy and more. Learn how you can break down barriers to music, through communications, advocacy and inclusive practice.

The music for the podcast was created by Otis Hynds, a young person working with Noise Solution.


Transcript for the Music for education & wellbeing podcast [30] TRANSCRIPT: Rachel Perrin, co-founder of Soundcastle


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