PODCAST [7] How can parents/ carers involve children in pre-school music? – with Liv McClennan, community musician
In this episode, I’m talking with Liv McLennan, who is a community musician and a specialist in early years / pre-school music.
We discuss what parents and carers can do to introduce music to their pre-school child, and share some starting points and ideas for making music with babies, toddlers, and pre-schoolers.
You can listen now below, or on Spotify and iTunes (search for the name).
What’s in this episode?
We talk about:
• keeping it simple – thinking of music as communicating using what’s available to you daily
• being guided by your baby/ child
• combining music with movement and touch
• introducing music to your regular daily routines
• using the music you enjoy and not being limited to ‘kiddies’ music
• finding a range of ways to expose your child to music – from apps to concerts
• and we finish with three pieces of advice for parents and carers
Links for this episode
Mentioned in this episode:
Liv McLennan – or @omniphonik on Twitter
Boogie mites
RSNO Astar parent and baby resources and a new app
Useful videos:
How does music help baby’s brain, language, social and emotional development
The connected baby, Suzanne Zeedyk
Read the Music for Education & Wellbeing podcast [7] TRANSCRIPT
About the music for education & wellbeing podcast
Listen in each month to get ideas, inspiration and practical advice from people involved in music education, community music, music therapy and more. Learn how you can break down barriers to music, through communications, advocacy and inclusive practice.
The music for the podcast was created by Otis Hynds, a young person working with Noise Solution.
• Contact me if you’d like to be on the podcast.
• Subscribe to my enews to hear about future episodes (and get free downloads – see below).
• Visit Music Education Works to read and search for research evidence of the impact of music education.
• Listen to another great music education-related podcast – the Youth Music podcast from UK music charity Youth Music.
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[…] PODCAST [7] How can parents/carers involve children in pre-school music? With Liv McClennan, communi… […]