Posts Tagged ‘arts and health’
All-party inquiry demonstrates benefits to health and wellbeing of the arts, leading to fall in hospital admissions. Article by Mark Brown, Arts correspondent, The Guardian. Excerpt reproduced courtesy of Guardian News & Media Ltd (open licence). David Shrigley’s ‘The arts’ teapot filling up a ‘lost soul’ cup. Illustration: David Shrigley GPs prescribing arts activities to some…
Read MoreVoluntary Arts – arts and health website and articles
“Anita picked up a complex project and almost single handedly delivered it in record time, so that the organisation had something which we had promised for a long time. She is gold standard – reliable, intelligent, innovative, understanding, able to interpret a brief WITH the client. She really listens, suggests without being critical or patronizing.…
Read MoreArts advocacy – stepping up a gear?
It looks as if arts advocacy campaigning in the UK will be stepping up a gear this year. Not only are the funding cuts forcing us all to look long and hard at the true value of what we do, and to get even better at collecting and sharing evidence and stories – but a…
Read MoreAdvocating for music – sharing research more widely
I’ve been noticing for some time now how hard it is to find research evidence when you need it. Much of my work is about advocating for music, the arts, or a particular good cause. But although I often know there’s research out there to back up a particular case, I struggle to find it…
Read MoreHealthy, social, creative – voluntary arts and long-term conditions
A new way of looking at creative activities and health – OTNews (professional magazine for occupational therapists) PrimaryHealthCare16-20JULY2011proof(1) – Primary Health Care (evidence-based journal for the nursing profession) Creative activities can change people’s lives, giving them a chance to participate, learn, reach their potential, find meaning and purpose, improve their self-confidence and much more. It can also improve…
Read MoreArticles section
YOUNG PEOPLE AND MUSIC EDUCATION Music Education in Wales – a warning for England? (Music Education UK, June 2011) A land with less music? (Sounding Board, May 2011) – the music education review in Wales Musical Futures (Sounding Board) – the government’s Wider Opportunities scheme Making the connections(Sounding Board) – Youth workers, community musicians and…
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