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Music connects beyond words: but writing matters too

Red wooden heart resting on a purple keyboard

A version of this blog was published in Leading Note – the magazine of the British Association of Music Therapy in May 2022. As someone involved in music education, community music, youth music or music therapy, you’ll understand the power of communication and connection. You’ll also have a deep appreciation of how music connects, beyond…

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Music for education & wellbeing podcast [7] TRANSCRIPT: How can parents/carers involve children in pre-school music? Liv McClennan, community musician

AH: Hello. It’s Anita here, and welcome to this month’s podcast. In this episode I’m talking with Liv McClennan, who’s co-director of a public interest company called ‘Music for Wellbeing’, and she’s also a community musician. Now there’s a lot I know that you’d be interested to hear from Liv, but this episode is a…

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PODCAST [6] Getting media coverage for your music education and community music work – with Penny James, Cardiff-based media publicist

Penny James music and arts press & PR specialist

In this episode, I’m talking with Penny James, a freelance media publicist, about how get media coverage in newspapers and magazines, radio and TV. Penny has held press manager roles with organisations such as Welsh National Opera and St David’s Hall, and she’s created national, and in some cases international coverage for people like Wales…

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