The Wilson – writing an evaluation report
“Anita created a bespoke evaluation framework which included new tools and templates that we used for the first time, as well as a final evaluation report that included benchmark analysis and case studies. Anita works with a great deal of care and attention to detail. We really valued and benefited from her high level of experience and professionalism, and felt supported by her throughout the project. We highly recommend Writing Services to other organisations.” Oliver Tipper, Audience Development Officer, The Cheltenham Trust.
We were approached by Oliver Tipper, Audience Development Officer for The Cheltenham Trust, based at The Wilson museum and art gallery, to write an impact and evaluation report on a series of ‘taster’ creative activities for young people.
After discussing the brief, it was clear that we’d also need to put in place some light touch evaluation tools in order to capture the learning and stories we’d need for the report.
The tasters involved Parkour Dance, Graffiti Art, Digital Projection and a Gamelan and music tech collaboration. They brought together young people and emerging artists from Cheltenham, with nationally-renowned art innovators.
All activities were open access, but targeted young people facing the most challenging circumstances or who are traditionally less likely to get access to arts and culture. They culminated in a ‘takeover’ of The Wilson led by young people from the Collective. Anita attended and interviewed young people both on the day or afterwards on the phone.
The final report, ‘Lighting the blue touch paper: for young people’s culture and creativity in Cheltenham’ included interviews with participants and monitoring statistics, links to videos and photo galleries, and gave a ‘case for support’ for future projects, covering evidence of need and a vision for the future.