Six ways to raise your profile through BBC Music Day (26/9/19) and annual celebration days
BBC Music Day (Thursday 26 September, 2019) is a UK-wide, annual celebration of the power of music to change lives, with activities going on across the UK and across TV, radio and social media. If you’re involved with music, it’s a great time for you to communicate the value and impact of what you do.
This year the theme is ‘music and wellbeing’ (with a special focus on Singing and Music and Dementia), so it’s ideal for community music, music education and music therapy organisations. Here are a few tips for making the most of annual celebration days like this one:
1. Share your stories on social media in the lead up to the day, using the hashtag #BBCMusicDay
Create a new story/ stories, or reshare old ones. They could reach a new audience because people will be searching, and sharing, posts with the hashtag when they’re looking for content.
Here’s a guide to writing a case study/ story that wins hearts and minds and a blog about storytelling for organisations.
2. Share photos and videos
You don’t necessarily need stories – a photo or short video will do just a well, with a bit of text that talks of music, change, and people. It’s more likely to be shared if it’s inspiring, emotive, and speaks to people’s beliefs about the power of music.
Film a participant speaking about the difference music has made to them (around one minute or less). Or film yourself making a statement about how you’ve seen music make a positive impact. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #BBCMusicDay
3. Write a blogpost and share it on social media
If you want to drive traffic to your website, write a post that your audience will find practically useful. You can learn more in this article about content marketing.
You could …
… give some tips for parents and young people about how to use music to improve their mental or physical health, music and mindfulness, singing for breathing.
… collate a list of all the music groups people can join in your area, or specific groups like singing. Include all the singing tutors, and mention the wellbeing benefits of singing/ music.
… highlight the regular music events/ activities/ opportunities that people can join in with through your organisation. Perhaps make a special offer if your events are paid for, which could be made available if people book on BBC Music Day or use a special BBC Music Day code
… if you move fast, there may still be time for you to promote Get Singing to your local primary schools – find out more here:
… make local schools aware of ‘Bring the Noise’, an ongoing educational initiative by the BBC.
4. Contact your local BBC Radio Station
They’ll be looking for stories from/ interviews with local music organisations who have an impact on wellbeing.
Listen to this podcast for tips on how to find journalists’ contact details (from ex-Guardian Education journalist, Janet Murray) and this podcast for tips on working with the media.
5. Share other people’s blog posts and social media posts
Help to amplify stories of music’s impact and help other people and organisations to raise their profile, by sharing other people’s material. This is particularly helpful if you don’t have your own original content.
Here are a few posts that are relevant to #BBCMusicDay – and do watch my Twitter and LinkedIn accounts for social media posts you can share.
• Is music good for my child?
• Be happy, healthy, and mentally fit – make music
• The neuroscience behind music education – podcast with Anita Collins
• Music Education Works – a website collating research and evidence of the impact of music education – search under ‘wellbeing’ for related posts:
6. Get involved next year
There are ways you can get more involved. For example, you could run live events that link up with the day (this year, there’s a ‘Get Singing’ initiative for schools, for example). Check the BBC Music Day website early in the year for updates.
I’d love to hear if you have any ideas to add, what you’ve done and how it went – you can comment below to share your experiences and ideas. I’ll add any ideas to this blogpost and credit you/your organisation.