The Power of Music
The Power of Music, Dr Susan Hallam’s 2011 report about the impact of music on young people, isn’t easy to find online anymore, so I’ve posted links here:
Full report: The power of music: its impact on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young people
Youth Music position paper: summary of the full report in the context of Youth Music’s strategy
Tune In Year of Music summary report: summary of the full report made for Tune In. You can also download here.
Also see ‘Wow, it’s music next!‘ by Professor Anne Bamford and Paul Glinkowski about the benefits of learning a musical instrument, an evaluation of the ‘Wider Opportunities’ Key Stage 2 whole class instrumental programme.
The full report and executive summary can be found on the Federation of Music Services website research section, or direct download here: Wow, it’s music next!.
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