Make Music Gloucestershire: music education hub communications
Make Music Gloucestershire is the county’s music education hub: a network of organisations and individuals across the county, including schools, who want to help more young people learn and make music in Gloucestershire. It’s led by the County Council, working alongside a small commissioning team, advisory group, and a network of partners.
Anita was the communications advisor to the Hub from its inception in 2012 to 2015, working as part of a commissioning team led by Gloucestershire County Council and prior to that, with the team at Gloucestershire Music, the county’s music service (which until recently, was the lead organisation in the Hub) and
The work has involved all aspects of marketing and communications, from setting up and research/writing for enewsletters, social media, and media and marketing materials; to being one of the key points of contact for hub partners and helping to develop strategy.
The work has included:
• Creating a marketing audit and plan
• Working with colleagues in the music service to develop communications skills and understandings
• Setting up communications systems and processes and creating content, stories and campaigns for them, including: websites, enewsletters via MailChimp, social media, direct marketing campaigns for services such as music groups, a schools services brochure including all Hub partners’ services, advocacy videos
• Researching, writing and editing stories about music education in the county
• Managing a complex rebranding process involving two brands and the splitting of content across two websites, for Make Music Gloucestershire, and Gloucestershire Music (these are no longer available as they have since been transferred over to the County Council’s own more informational website)
• Organising and facilitating partners’ events
• Developing, in conjunction with digital design agency Icon.net, two online applications – TouchBass, a search tool for music opportunities; and MusicDataShare, a data collection tool for capturing information about music education in the county
• Assessing funding bids and allocating funding as part of the commissioning team
See other communications consultancy work:
Leicester-Shire Music Education Hub
The Luton Music Mix – Luton’s music education hub (case study coming soon)