PODCAST [11] Elle Williams, one-to-one music tutor – on working with disabled people and those with additional needs
In this episode, I’m talking with Elle Williams, a classically-trained guitarist who previously worked as a music tutor in mainstream schools. She now specialises solely in one-to-one music lessons with disabled people and those with additional needs.
You can listen now below, or on Spotify (search for the name) and iTunes or other players.
What’s in this episode?
We talk about:
- the lack of music tutors working one-to-one with disabled people, particularly young people with moderate or profound and multiple disabilities
- the tendency for provision in special needs schools to be music therapy or group music-making
- and where tutors can find information and guidance to broaden their skills to reach more young people.
- Elle also shares three helpful tips for fellow music tutors
Links for this episode
Elle’s website – Ashby Music School
About the Alliance for a Musically Inclusive England (AMIE)
The AMIE musical inclusion resource hub
Opus Music – training for musicians in healthcare, including working with non-verbal participants
Sound Sense – the professional association for community musicians
BAMT – the British Association for Music Therapy
Nordoff Robbins – provide training and developing interesting research/conferences about the social value of music, including the intersection between community music and music therapy
OHMI Trust – adapt musical instruments for people who are physically disabled
About the music for education & wellbeing podcast
Listen in each month to get ideas, inspiration and practical advice from people involved in music education, community music, music therapy and more. Learn how you can break down barriers to music, through communications, advocacy and inclusive practice.
The music for the podcast was created by Otis Hynds, a young person working with Noise Solution.
- Contact me if you’d like to be on the podcast.
- Subscribe to my enews to hear about future episodes (and get free downloads – see below).
- Visit Music Education Works to read and search for research evidence of the impact of music education.
- Listen to another great music education-related podcast – the Youth Music podcastfrom UK music charity Youth Music.
Music for Education and Wellbeing podcast [11] TRANSCRIPT: Elle Williams
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