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PODCAST [36] Routes into the music industry with Dr Oliver Morris, UK Music; and Serona Elton, University of Miami and the Mechanical Licensing Collective

In this episode, I talk with Serona Elton, from the University of Miami and the Mechanical Licensing Collective; and Dr Oliver Morris, Head of Education and Skills at UK Music. We talked about their routes into the music industry, and the challenges and opportunities for young people – and their families – wanting to understand what roles they could pursue in music.

You can listen now below, or on Spotify (search for the name) and iTunes or your favourite podcast app.

What’s in this episode?

We talk about:

  • how Serona and Oliver found their way into the music industry
  • Serona’s work leading the music industry programme at the University of Miami, and her role with the MLC, a new organisation that manages royalties for musicians
  • Oliver’s work at UK Music, representing industry members from the Musician’s Union to PRS for Music
  • the range of roles in the music industry and the challenges for young people, and opportunities for music education and industry, to support them

Links for this episode

Serona Elton
Oliver Morris

Mechanical Licensing Collective

University of Miami Music Industry Programme

UK Music- Education & Skills

UK Music – routes into music industry resource page

Discover Creative Careers

The Pump, Birmingham

Pathways into Music

Grammy in Schools

Wiltshire Music Connect – Why Music? resources

The Music Business Handbook and Career Guide – 13th edition

About the music for education & wellbeing podcast

Listen in each month to get ideas, inspiration and practical advice from people involved in music education, community music, music therapy and more. Learn how you can break down barriers to music, through communications, advocacy and inclusive practice.

The music for the podcast was created by Otis Hynds, a young person working with Noise Solution.


Transcript for the Music for education & wellbeing podcast [36] TRANSCRIPT: Serona Elton, University of Miami and Dr Oliver Morris, UK Music


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