Wiltshire Music Connect – case studies, leaflets and communications strategy
“You’ve brought music hub communications expertise into our team and we’ll be communicating more effectively as a result of it. We enjoyed the balance between support and challenge and appreciated your sensitivity to particular issues and challenges. Thank you.” Nick Howdle, Leader, Wiltshire Music Connect.
We’ve worked with Wiltshire Music Connect on a range of projects including case studies, campaign leaflets, an annual report, a communications strategy and communications support and advice.
For the campaign leaflets, Anita worked with the Wiltshire Music Connect team and their stakeholders to create a series of leaflets advocating the importance of music and letting people know what they as teachers, parents or carers, could do to support music. See the leaflets for parents. See the leaflets for schools. They also created a music industry leaflet for young people and their parents. See the music industry careers leaflet (see parents leaflets link).
For the case studies work, the Hub wanted a way to share the new approach they were taking to reaching more young people through ‘whole class’ music lessons (known in the sector as ‘whole class ensemble teaching’ or ‘First Access’*). These include offering lessons by Skype, and providing a complete package of support and resources to help classroom teachers teach music using Ocarinas. Read the case studies.
For the communications strategy, support and advice, Anita ran two workshops with the staff team and board members, provided activities for the team to complete, and used the resulting materials to write up a communications strategy which builds on their strong understanding of the needs and interests of their audiences.
* First Access programmes provide children with an opportunity to experience and enjoy making music. They’re delivered in addition to a school’s curriculum, but at no cost to parents, and can be linked to wider school agendas and topics.